Often, I asked how this could happen? why did I allow it to happen, and I dealt with feeling horrible about myself because it happened.
I want to encourage others who have been a victim of hair loss, to know that it a story behind each of our journeys. Some were born with it, some were not. I myself I had hair until I was about 30 years old. It took me that long to accept the fact of my reality.
I hid my balding and ultimately bald head from everyone. I invested so much money and time into buying weave and wigs every two weeks it was unreal. The shame of losing my hair, along with it I lost my self-esteem, and began to lose my self-worth. You see I felt that because my look on the outside had altered and changed; no longer who or what I knew. I felt that it would change how others would see me or accept me.
I will tell you the truth, I hated myself and what happened with my hair. Some may call it vain, but it was what I was accustomed to. I never imagined in my life that this would be my life.
It started while in a toxic marriage, I believe the stress and trauma I hid within had finally made its way to the surface, and I could no longer keep the toxicity a secret.
What I found out through this process that if I never accepted myself how could I expect others to accept me, or did I really need someone to accept what I was experiencing. That was a huge part of my needing inclusion of others, I believe that is why I hid it so long.
It was 2021 when I finally told my sisters what I was going through, I sent a picture of me in my truth, my Lil bald head, and that was the beginning of me becoming free.
Today I love me more than I have ever. My journey has brought me to this point in time, so I will use it to help encourage others who feel they have to live a life of shame or not loving themselves, I want to encourage you to take another look in the mirror and see the beauty that you are, to see that the hairs on your head or lack thereof, it doesn't make you less beautiful it now allows us to see your full BEAUTY every feature in your face that God has graced you with, take another and see you.